3 Things The Banquet Hall You Choose For Your Big Upcoming Event Should Offer
One important part of planning a big event is choosing a banquet hall to host it in. Here are a few important things that the event banquet hall you choose should be able to offer:
Catering Services
One important thing the event banquet hall you reserve should offer is catering services. You'll save a lot of time and effort while planning for your event if you can just have the banquet hall provider prepare and serve all the food for you. The banquet hall should offer multiple menu options to choose from that can be served buffet- or restaurant-style depending on your preferences. Specialty dishes to accommodate vegetarian and gluten-free diners should also be available.
Plates, utensils, and napkins should be provided as part of the catering service, so you don't have to spend time collecting what will be needed before your big event takes place. It's also a good idea to make sure that the banquet hall has enough space available to set up a separate tended or open bar even if they won't provide any alcohol for the bar.
Coordination Support
While you may want to hire your own event coordinator to help you plan and prepare for your upcoming event, it can be a big expense to hire an entire support staff to help your coordinator out. So the banquet hall you choose should offer an opportunity to enlist some coordination support when necessary.
Whether you need some extra hands to help hang decorations, you need some inspiration for how to set up the tables and chairs in a comfortable and uncluttered fashion or you need someone to rely on who can check people in when they show up for the event, you should be able to count on your banquet hall provider to handle those basic tasks.
Customizable Layout Options
When choosing a banquet hall to host your upcoming event in, look for something that offers more than just a square or rectangle interior space. You'll want to create a dance floor, dining tables, a mingling room, and a stage area where the MC can host from and the live performances can take place. And if you have to fit everything into one big open room, things could look and feel cluttered and cramped to your guests. Make sure that the banquet hall you choose offers options such as:
An open courtyard for smokers and outdoor lounging.
A built-in stage at the head of the hall.
A catering enclave where food can be served out of the way of walking and dancing space.
The hall should also feature a designated dance floor with a non-slip floor so guests can stay safe while enjoying your event.