Improve You Sales Job Performance With These Three Lifestyle Changes

Need some ideas about what can be done on date nights to make each night spent with your significant other as special and memorable as it can be? Click here.

Improve You Sales Job Performance With These Three Lifestyle Changes

10 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you find that you are not meeting sales goals, and are getting more and more stressed out, and are worrying that your job is on the line, then you need to make some lifestyle changes. As long as it's not a problem with leads, or a declining product (bad quality, inferior support on the back end), then you might be the problem. Luckily, this is within your purview to control. As a salesperson you can't work on changing the companies product, or their back-end support, but you can change your approach to sales and your own life. Here are three things you can do which can help you regain composure, confidence, and achieve more success.


Clients can tell if you are super stressed out and nervous. They don't want to deal with someone who looks like they are panicked. Salespeople can be type A, but you don't want to appear manic. One way to deal with this is to learn how to meditate. Its a simple technique that you can use at night, in the morning, and even in the waiting room of the office. A simple technique is one called mindfulness. It doesn't require chanting some phrase out loud, or getting into the lotus position. What it entails is that you focus on your breathing. You sit quietly, and try and pay attention to your inhalation and exhalation. You can even practice it with your eyes open, so you won't look strange if you are in an office waiting room and waiting to meet clients. It will help relax you and remove anxious thoughts from your mind.


Another fantastic way to de-stress, and also improve your energy, is to exercise. If you find that you are both exhausted, and agitated, then it's a troublesome combination. You don't want to look tired when dealing with clients. Perhaps your mind is racing and you can't sleep at night, but then you are exhausted during the day and look like someone who could pass out. Well, that's a bad look when dealing with people. A great way to get rid of this problem is to do strenuous exercise in the evening. When you are done working, instead of hitting the bar or sitting in front of the television for hours, go out and jog a few miles, or swim, or even start lifting weights. Not only will you improve your physical condition, you will release endorphins, which makes your feel better, plus you will be physically tired when you are done and be able to fall asleep.

Life Coaching

If your problem is a lack of organizational skills, or a feeling of low self worth, then you need to contact a life coach. They can show you how to effectively organize your day and not let things get chaotically out of control. Likewise, if you are suffering from feelings of doubt (low self-esteem) they can show you tricks that have been developed by psychologists that can help build your self esteem back up. Things like positive affirmations, NLP techniques used in business, and visualization tricks that can help you deal with stressful meetings.

About Me
ideas for date nights with your spouse

My husband and I try to have at least one date night each month. We try to do the things that we couldn't do with the kids, so we spend a lot of time looking for different events in the area that aren't exactly kid-friendly. So, what have we found to do? I created this blog to give others some ideas about what can be done on date nights to make each night spent with your significant other as special and memorable as it can be. Hopefully, you will find something new to do with the person that you love to spend time with.
